Saturday, September 3, 2011

Attention Hair Stylists: Stop Letting Money Go Down The Drain

How to Start a Hair Salon and Day SpaEvery Friday I go and get my hair done.  The shop where I go is unisex.  The clientele is very good.  I normally arrive around 8am and when I get there people are already in the chairs and some are waiting to be serviced.  I am there for about two and a half hours and I watch people come in and leave.  To pass time I normally bring a magazine to read, but today I brought a book which was boring, so I put it down and just sat there under the dryer and watched the people.  Looking around the shop I realized that with all of the people that are in and out of the shop, none of the stylist or barbers were selling anything other than the service that they were providing.  There were no retail products being sold by anyone.  I thought to myself "WOW" they are letting a lot of money go down the drain.  I also realized that no one was capturing the information from the clients that they were servicing.  By information I mean email addresses to do email marketing or cell numbers to do text marketing.  Again a lot of money going down the drain.

I started to wonder were these girls and guys learning about the business aspect of hair when they were training to become stylist, because when you look how most salons operate, there are no retail products being sold and there is no extra marketing being done.  So what these guys have done is create a job for themselves and most without benefits, because small business healthcare is really expensive.  The reason I say that they have created a job is because if they are not working no money is coming in.  That's the equivalent of a job.  If they were running businesses, they could take time off and still make money.

So being the entrepreneur that I am, I am now developing a marketing program for salons that will put a stop to some of the money going the drain.  They could probably use the extra money that they would make to purchase a healthcare plan.

Until Next Time 
Make It A Great Day!

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